Mariseal Detail
The MARISEALDETAIL is a liquid-applied, thixotropic, permanent elastic, fiber-reinforced, one component polyurethane coating, used for long lasting waterproofing of complex roofing details and connections.

Detail Waterproofing Systems
The professional, long lasting waterproofing solution for roof details

The MARISEALDETAIL is a liquid-applied, thixotropic, permanent elastic, fiber-reinforced, one component polyurethane coating, used for long lasting waterproofing of complex roofing details and connections.
Mariseal Detail is mainly used to waterproof details like:
Flashings and 90o angles
Photovoltaic systems
Wall-floor connections
Gutters, etc
simple application (brush)
fiber reinforced
it forms seamless membrane to the rest waterproofing
membrane ensuring 100% sealing of the roof detais
resistant to water, rain and frost
maintains its mechanical properties over a temperature span of -30o C to +80o C
provides water vapor permeability
full surface adherence without any additional anchoring
in case of damage, membrane can be easily repaired locally within minutes
low cost